Sunday, August 08, 2004

Waiting for the Neff's to come home

Well, I'm sitting in Everett waiting for Kim and Chad to come home from camping. I've been watching their house this weekend while they've been camping with their kids. It's been a nice, relaxing and non-productive weekend :) I watched a whole lot of tv, but mostly the Discovery Channel... it was SO facinating this weekend! Segments on Columbus, Stonehenge, Sharks, the history of the Great Sphynx in Egypt...stuff like that.

Anyways, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about just how much I miss my boyfriend, Erik. He's in New Jersey going to school for the next 4 months. Now, 4 months isn't so bad. Considering he just spent the last 13 months in Phoenix, AZ...we're really looking forward to being together again. The whole long distance thing is almost OVER! YAH! :) It's kinda funny.... for the first few months after he moved, things were not so bad., a whole lot easier than I imagined it would be. Then the holidays rolled around and I started to miss him so terribly.... went through a time of lots of poetry, tears, lonely nights and emotional phone calls which I'm sure got hard to handle from his end! hehehe

But now, I kinda feel in a nice groove..... of course I still miss him every day, but we're so close to the end now that I've got more excitement in me than ever :) Whenever I start to get down and nostalgic, I remind myself that before I even know it, he'll be back home and we'll be able to actually date again! :) That is....if he gets to a job in the area and gets to move back home.... but that's a WHOLE other story that I don't need to get into right now...

Moving along! :)

A few things that are coming up for me:
*Jen and Dylan (a friend and her newborn) are coming into town on Wednesday! I'm SO excited to see her and see how much Dylan has grown...he'll be just about 6 weeks old and the cutest thing ever :)
*I'm excited for the Olympics to kick off this Friday
*I'm helping my friend, Melissa, on Sat to get fitted for her wedding dress! She's getting married on Sept. 4th.... I'm a bridesmaid and I'm SO excited for it!
*Then I'll be setting up a trip to NJ, hopefully with some assistance from a friend. A woman I work with has been wonderful enough to offer me use of some frequent flyer miles to cut the cost down on my trip. I'm SO grateful and can't wait to purchase my ticket!

Alrighty! I'm going to finish picking up some stuff and hopefully Kim and Chad will be home soon, so I can get back to my place and go to bed :) Gotta get up early!


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