Tuesday, June 14, 2005

You know what I hate?

People who take their precious time when the left turn light turns green. We all know that they only stay green for all of 4 seconds, let's get a move on people! I've got places to go and things to do......... don't you????? We're all going somewhere. Work.....home.....soccer games.....grocery stores.....second jobs.....airline flights.....doctors appts.......ferries and friend's houses. And judging by the way most people drive, we'll all in a hurry.

I've been the 3rd car in line and there are times I don't make it because someone is lagging along. My commute to work is 1.3 miles and it can take me upwards of 20 mins just because of slow people in left turn lanes. Erik drives 40 miles to work and it takes him about 45 mins at the same time of day. There's something wrong with that, dontcha think? :-)

So, to all those people out there that only accelerate to 5 MPH while making a left hand turn......step on it! It'll make everyone on the road just a smidge happier.

(my overbooked, inside-out, twisty-turvey, upside-down and everything inbetween day has made me a little on edge. Tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow will be a much better one)


At June 16, 2005 1:52 PM, Blogger carlybish said...

Oh my gosh, Amy! I know what you mean! But it's even worse here! It's not just a lights, it's any time someone is turning in somewhere! Any time someone turns, they go soooooo slooooooowly....... And to top it off! Hardly anyone uses a turn signal! I can honestly say that in my time here, I've seen a Tennessee licensed driver use a turn signal about three seperate times when they've decided to turn! It's ridiculous!

What is WRONG with these people!??


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