Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Another Vday Come and Gone


What a wonderful day.....

I was working away, too busy as usual, and here comes this delivery man with an enormous, fabulous boquet of roses in a beautiful vase. Now, almost everyone I work with is married or at least seroiusly dating, so I didn't automatically assume they were for me (I was hoping, of course).

Sure enough, the man said, "I have a delivery for an Amy Hawkinson"

My cheeks immediatly turned bright red and I smiled so big I'm sure the UBuildIt wing across the way saw it :-) It was a dozen long-stem roses just for me, from my sweetie. It was the perfect mid-day surprise.... I had been delivered balloons before at work, but never flowers. Very thoughtful (thank you baby!).

We then spent the evening together, cooking one of our favorite meal (steak fajitas!), eating by a roaring fire and nice music, with candles all around.

On Tuesday, I was asked to describe my Valentines Day..... I said, "I can sum it up in 3 words"

Perfect........Perfect........and Perfect.

February is going to be a romantic month!!! We just had Vday and now we're going to be celebrating our 3 year anniversary on the 28th! We're SO excited to go away for a weekend. I think we're going to a nice hotel and ordering a bunch of room service (strawberrries and champagne anyone?). Maybe getting a massage or a facial..... pretty damn excited...

Alrighty, have to get back to work!


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