Been thinking about my mom a bunch this morning........Maybe it's the hustle and bustle of the holidays. I keep getting these little bits of memories popping into my head. Like the time my dad gave her a used toaster from Shop 'n Save as a gag gift back in the mid 90's. She laughed and laughed and laughed and thought it was sooooo clever :-) I think we still have a few pics of that - I'll post 'em if I can find 'em.
Or the time she made the best turkey gravy you had ever seen or smelled in your life. Oooooo that stuff was good. It was creamy and salty and perfect. But of course, me being the clutz that I am, I dumped the whole gravy boat over on the dining room carpet while carrying it to the table. And instead of being upset, she giggled and said something like, "Well, at least it matches the color of the carpet!" What a mom, huh?
One Christmas, she and I were getting ready for the Overlake Christmas Tree performance. I had just spilled chocolate on my red, crushed velvet dress with about 5 mins until we needed to leave. We tried baking soda. We tried cold water. We tried Shout - nothing worked. Then, she let out a big sigh and said, "Come with me". We walked upstairs to her closet and she pulled out the most delicate and sophisticated black peacoat and wanted me to wear it. I had just spilled chocolate on myself and now she wanted me to wear her expensive clothes???? I'll never forget that. I felt like I was all grown up (and I was like, 9). She made me feel so pretty that day.
I know that the holidays this year will be different. It's going to be sad and maybe a little awkward, but I know she'll be watching us connect with each other and spend valuable time together. Christmas will be one of the few days where our whole family is under one roof this year and I know that's all she wanted..... for her family to love each other.
And we do.
I found a photo of her last year at Thanksgiving. Isn't she beautiful?

*Sigh* I heart your mom.
I need to call you soon. We need to discuss a certain Christmas/New Year's vacation that I'll be taking at the end of the year... :)
I heart my mom too.....
You're welcome to call me at work if that works better w/ the time zone thing. Call anytime! I'll email you the phone #.
I'd LOVE to see you in December....
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