GOING CAMPING (and other thoughts)
I know, I know, I know....... it's just a tad early for camping :-) BUT! One of our favorite rally races got moved up from May to this weekend, so we're not going to miss it just because of a little rain. The race is in Aberdeen/Brooklyn/Montesano area, which is out on the coast. It's a 2 day event, but Erik and I are only going to the Sunday one. We seem to remember that the stages on Saturday are very limited as far as where we can spectate from. But the stages on Sunday are so fun to watch - they come flying around a corner (This photo was from the same race 2 years ago.....and I wasn't even zoomed it - we can get that close!)

So, we're pretty excited to get out and go on a little road trip. We've both been going stir crazy being cooped up with all the rain and cold weather. We also both got a bunch of new camping gear (including a new GPS thingy!) so we've been looking forward to using it all.
On another subject, can I just get a hell yeah for Sasha Cohen! These photos don't even do her performance justice...... she's been my pick to win gold since the beginning and I think she just might do it!

So, go get 'em Sasha...... gold is yours this time around :-)
And lastly..... I found this quote the other day and wanted to share. I just thought it was so beautiful........
"What you promise today must be renewed and redecided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you."
That's it!
Have a fabulous weekend all!
Okay, all 3 of you that read my blog :-)
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