Where to Begin (now extended yet another week!)
So many cool things have happened in the last three weeks, I don't even know where to start. My dad returned from Africa safely, we've been working on the new hydroplane, Erik and I took a wild and windy but really fun ferry ride during the winter storm, the company I work for (UBuildIt) awarded another Franchise in Maryland, a friend of mine Mike Taylor got married at the Hollywood School House on Sunday, Erik got asked by his work (BWM Northwest) to speak at a school on the Penisula, my friend Mimi just went into labor this morning and I got my tax refund already! Phew!
I'm going to post a few photos and then I've gotta run - my lunch break is almost up. I've included one of the hydroplanes......

One of the sunrise Erik and I got to watch from a hilltop on South Whidbey......

One of the Mike Taylor / Colleen Cox wedding on Sunday, Feb 12th.......

It's now February 20th - I saved this as a draft last week and was not able to finish it until today. Man, how times flies!
So, the newest news is that my dad is leaving (again) for California for a week to be with my mom's parents, which will be fun for him. Um, Erik and I had to change our flights for Mexico (damn Delta Airlines - NEVER fly with them), so now we're getting into Cabo at noon instead of 9pm, which gives us a half day to play in the sun! Hmmmm..... I think that's about it. Oh! Except that I'm just SO excited for the Olympics and the Ladie's Ice Skating that's taking place this week. Sasha Cohen is my pick for gold....she rocks :-)
Anyways, lunchtime is over - gotta run to a meeting!
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