Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh The Holidays

For the all wonderful, loving, warm and fun things about the holidays, there are justmany annoying and not fun things about the holidays. Allow me to share :=)

Warm and fuzzy things:
- Pipping hot cider and a gingerbread cookies
- Receiving a Christmas card from a friend in your mailbox instead of your inbox
- Twinkling lights everywhere you look
- Knowing that you're celebrating the birth of God, how cool is that?
- Little kids running around trying to be good for Santa
- Mountains of wrapping paper, tissue paper, ribbons and tape
- Gathering around a fire with your family, chatting and sipping coffee
- Making a wish list
- Knowing you just bought a thoughful gift that special person will LOVE.

Irritating and not-so-fun things:
- Price stickers on paperback books
- Receipts that are as long as the Declaration of Independence
- Stores that have 18 checkout stations and only have 7 open
- All the seasonal customer service people that don't give a crap
- The holiday sweaters that should have been thrown out back in 1984
- That goes for the holiday pins too
- Knowing that when all is said and done, I'll be broke until March....and lastly,
- That kid in the department store that screams, "But I waaaaaaaaaaaaant it now, mommy!!!!!"

There. I feel better :-)

I really am enjoying the holidays..... plans are working out, I'm easily finding gifts for everyone and I'm meeting some relatives that I've never met before. I miss having my mom to go shopping with and to help me wrap (because I'm probably the worst wrapper ever - I'll have to be extra careful this year not to rip the paper before I even get it wrapped!). But I know she's looking down, giggling at my awful warpping and loving me from afar.


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