Hopeless romantics are only hopeless in the eyes of those who don't believe in romance.
~Jean Zheng~
I can't help it..... every day I seem to fall in love with him all over again. I could go on and on about the things that I love about him and our relationship. But, I have to point out one thing........laughter. Erik can draw the most genuine, belly laugh from me like no one else! There are times I laugh so hard I cry..... I have doubled over in tummy pain and I have peed my pants......all because of my wondeful partner in crime :-)
And even though we're always changing, both as a couple and as individuals, it's so great knowing that we can depend on each other. Contentment..... what a wonderful place to be in.
Awww! I was wondering about you two just today! Wondering how things were going! Glad to know you guys are still going SUPER strong! That's awesome!
Okay, so since we have conflicting schedules that make it difficult to talk on the phone, I will just shoot you an email. So yeah. Check your email later. Because I'm sending you one. Isn't that exciting?! YES. IT. IS.
I'm so sorry we haven't been able to connect - the time difference sucks!
I'll be on the lookout for your email! Talk to you soon!!
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