Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another Overseas Trip for my Dad

My dad is in South Africa! How cool is that?!?!

He's there with my uncle Stan, helping out with designing and building cabins/structures for an organization opening a camp down there. He's in Capetown, I believe and will be there for 3 weeks. I'm so excited that he's traveling and seeing the world. I miss him already but I know that God will keep them all safe, healthy and energized as they serve Him......

I'll post some pictures when he gets back - I have a feeling they'll be pretty cool. While they're there, some locals will take 'em on a safari to check out the landscape and wildlife (which is a life-long DREAM of mine)........ and my dad has a great camera, so I'm sure he'll get some fantastic images.

Anyways, say a little prayer for health and safetly in an unfamiliar place w/ unfamiliar people, laws and customs.

I guess that's it for now.......

Oh, GO SEAHAWKS! They're going all the way this year and we all know.......Carolina is going down on Sunday, big time. I'm predicting a low scoring game due to the excellent defenses on both sides and hopefully Hassellbeck won't have to scramble so much this weekend :-)


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