Dumpster Fire
Had a little excitement on Sunday evening. Around 9:30pm or so, I was helping Erik take the trash out. Well, as we were walking up to the big, green dumpster I noticed something was unusual..... There was something on fire in the dumpster! Erik bolted upstairs to get his phone and his fire extenguisher. He tried to put it out while I called the fire department, but right then, it went from a smoldering potential-problem into a big, ugly problem. Erik and I backed far away as the dumpster quickly caught on fire...... (my heart was pounding)...... Then, a tree that stood over the dumpster caught on fire and it was just like in the movies! I heard a swoosh sound and then a "ssssssssssssssssst" crackle, as the pine-needles burned. I was nervous and excited all at the same time.
Finally, the fire truck showed up and quickly put it all out....... no one was hurt and it was not believed to be foul play. Probably just some ignorant fool who threw their cigarette butt in the dumpster paying no mind to what just may be in there.
Never had to call 911 before that...... I was kinda proud of myself. I stayed calm and listened as best I could. Anyways, after the fire was out Erik and I just went back up to his apartment - no one seemed to interested in asking us any questions, so we just went back upstairs. No harm done, but still rather invigorating :-)