Thursday, December 21, 2006

Winter is here!

It's funny.....I blog less now that I'm unemployed ;-)

Life has just been busy. Good, but busy. The wind storm threw off my schedule a few days, so I'm playing catch up (thus, why I just finished my Christmas shopping today!). On my way right now over to my dad's, where my family and Erik are celebrating our Christmas. My dad is joining Jeff and Mary down in Oregon with her folks and Erik and I will be with his family on Christmas Eve. Holiday plans are usually difficult to coordinate, but this year it has gone quite smoothly!

And.... we're going to attempt to drive up in the mountains this weekend to go play in the snow! We were going to go on my birthday last Sunday, but the wind storm kinda shifted our plans. I can't wait to throw a snowball at Erik ;-)

I can't even say how much I'm looking for the new year to get here. After the holidays, I can really start looking for a place to live in Tacoma (oh yeah, I'm moving Jan 31st!) and I can also begin interviewing like crazy for a job. I CAN'T WAIT to start working again. I mean, sure, sleeping in is great, but I'm bored and ready to start taking in more $$$.

Anyways! Gotta run! Stuffed Mushrooms won't make themselves :-)

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Stranded for a few days

Snow is probably one of my most favorite things in the whole wide world. I love the way it looks falling out of the sky...... I love how it makes our yards white playgrounds and our ski resorts crowded. But when I got stuck down in Federal Way for 3 days while I5 was covered in ice, I wasn't liking the pre-winter storm so much. Don't get me wrong, I loved hanging out with Erik for a few days and just relaxing, but after a while, sitting in a cold apartment without the internet can get a little old ;-) So it feels good to be back home with my heating blanket, my computer and my fridge. The storm was fun to watch from inside and on the news and I'm glad I didn't really have to be anywhere at all this week.

But I do have places to be this weekend, so I'm glad it's cleared up a little!!! Tomorrow we're getting up really early to go to the last Pro Rally Race of the year in Shelton. And although rally races are really fun in the rain and mud, I'm glad it's not supposed to rain.... since later than afternoon, we're heading to to the Sheraton in Tacoma to get ready for the BMW Christmas party!! AND! I'm wearing a cocktail dress!! For those who know me pretty well, wearing a dress is not a common thing (I think it's actually been since Homecoming my junior year in highschool since I've worn a cocktail dress). But the black dress I found is fabulous and I'm excited to have fun tomorrow night ;-)