Thursday, October 28, 2004

Thanks Dad and Other Stuff :)

My computer is up and running again, upgraded to Windows XP no less, all thanks to my father :) So, thanks dad..... love you!!

Not a whole lot else going on....UBuildIt is keeping me extremely busy though. I was actually offered a whole Saturday of overtime this weekend! So, I'm actually looking forward to working on Sat, I can wear jeans and bring in my own music. There won't be any phones to worry about, no questions to answer about how to unjam the printer or "Amy, could you please do this in an hour?" :) I will actually be able to get my work done!

Life is good otherwise..... Erik will be done with school in less than 7 weeks (YAH!), I bought myself a cheap, little digital camera, I'm actually AHEAD in my school work (which is monumental for me) and life with my new roommate is good! My kitties are driving me crazy though. I love 'em, but man, it's "let me out - let me in - feed me- let me out - let me in- feed me again!" over and over, now that the weather is crappy. When it's warm out they're barely ever inside. Oh well, I guess it's the price you pay to have 3 adorable, always ready to cuddle kitties, huh? :)

That's about it! Read this today and loved it....

“I love those who yearn for the impossible.”- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

UGH....but still smiling :-)

Well... my computer chose a great time to crash....right when I'm trying to get AHEAD in school work :) I think I got a pretty severe virus and I'm not sure if my hard drive is going to make it....but hey, these things happen, right? :)

So, I'm writing from a computer at work..... about to go look at a total lunar eclipe. I guess there won't be one until 2007. Woohoo! :) Should be cool to look at though.

Dad's here, gotta go! More when my stubborn computer decides to be alive....

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Things that are just Wrong....

- Riding the bus the other day, I witnessed something unusual. I watched the gas prices rise right before my eyes. I thought to myself, "I wonder how bad this guy feels changing the price signs right in front of people pulling in to gas up?". Supreme Unleaded went from $2.09 to $2.19! Ick! Gas should never be that high, it's just wrong....

- I happened to glance at the brand-tag in my underwear this morning and the brand name was Peeping Tom. I know it's just a tag, but common.... couldn't they come up with something a little more intelligent?

- Blue milk. The ad targeted moms who couldn't get their kids to drink regular milk. My children will drink whatever milk is put in front of them, thank-you-very-much. I never got a choice. I ate or drank what was in front of me or I ended up hungry. Made me appreciative and respecful :)

- Sarah Michelle Gellar in yet ANOTHER scary halloween movie. It's too bad too.... "The Grudge" looks like a pretty good movie. Too bad she's in it. Hasn't Hollywood figured out that she's a horrible actress yet?

- Bulk, mass produced toilet paper. Ladies, you'll understand this one :) I mean, it's like sandpaper! I'm just waiting for Scott or MD to come out with toilet paper that feels like heaven. THAT would make them a lot of money.

- Regis Philbin recording an album. What, is having the most hours logged on TV not enough for you? Enough already!

And lastly,

- Yankee's fans throwing bottles at THEIR OWN players! Game 6 of the ALCS game vs. the Red Sox. They had to halt the game for about 10 mins and bring out police with riot gear on! I mean, common! I understand that the phrase "It's just a game" doesn't work for the players. That's how they make their living, it's how they bring home the bacon and for some of them it's a deciding factor on if they come back next year or not. But when did it change for the spectators? Don't get me wrong, I'm an active fan... I yell and stamp by feet and mutter obscenities (with the season the M's had, how could I not?) But, it think violence against the very players you "love" is just pathetic. That's my two cents :)

CONGRATS TO THE BOSTON RED SOX! :) The only team in major league history to come back from 0-3 in the championship series to force a game seven and 2, to win the championship. They were up 6 to 0 in the top of the second on a grandslam! Great game, cool for them, watched history in the making.

Time to call it a night :)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Appropriately Untitled

I am evolving.....

Constantly trying to mold myself into the who I want to be....

I am not perfect, (boy, am I not perfect).....

But I'd like to think that I'm making my way on that journey of becoming the woman I want to be, or rather the woman I am capable of being.

So, to my fellow women who are finding themselves occasionally stuck between who we are and who we want to be, just keep on keepin' on......

And thank you to my mother who never lets me forget how far I've come. You're an inspiration and I can only hope that I can become half the woman you are. I love you.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Amazing Photography Sites

I have recently become obsessed with finding interesting photography on the internet. I've been viewing web page after web page after web page, finding beautiful photography of all kinds..... landscapes (my favorite), people, animals, infarred photography, architecture....all kinds of things. I'm going to list a couple websites below. Please take a moment to view some of their galleries. You may just find something that makes you smile....

Or makes you think.....

Or inspires you....

Whatever it may do, it's worth a few moments, isn't it? :)

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Late Night Smiles

It's 1am and I'm not the least bit tired. Which isn't that unusual now that I think about it :) But I do know what's been keeping me up tonight. I was on the phone with an old friend earlier today and she asked me "Amy, how did you and Erik stay together in a long distance relationship for a year and a half?" The easy answers are lots of phone calls, a sense of humor and a willingness to be virtually single for a long time. The deeper reasons are far more profound. Love. Commitement. Trust. Respect. Erik and I committed to see this thing through and we have :)

We have not been without our struggles, trust me, there have been a few. Time constraints on the phone, very tired calls, moodiness for the both of us, power struggles and a few fiesty moments. But at the end of the day, those things were resolved and we learned just a little more about each other. I have learned that Erik can be a moody, stressed-out perfectionist :) And he has learned that I can be a demanding, nitpicky, sometimes loony girlfriend :) But through all that, we also learned about the best of ourselves. We're patient, kind and loving towards one another. We treat each other with respect and have also learned to laugh at ourselves. No relationship is perfect, but I think we're doing pretty damn good.

I want to take this moment to commend Erik on his efforts to further his life. Since he has left Seattle he's delt with the Phoenix heat, an apt all alone, being jumped by big black guys, waking up at 4am every single day and not coming home until 8 at night, dealing with a crap load of school work while holding down a near full time job, being involved with an accident at work which landed him in the ER and STILL ended up finishing strong in Phoenix, leaving with a perfect attendence record and 7 Student of the Phase awards (coveted by UTI students).

Then.... on to New Jersey! He's attending a school that will certify him as a BMW technician with the ability to be promoted to Master Tech in a few years. That also means that he's doing extremely advanced, challenging work and still bringing home stellar grades. I am so very proud of him, as is everyone else who loves him. Baby, we're all excited for you to come home!!!

But, back to the point of all this.... long distance relationships. They're difficult, they're demanding and they're 100% worth it. I was looking online for resources and found this site. I would encourage anyone who is in a long distance relationship or having to contemplate one, to visit this site. It's very encouraging while still sticking to the realities of LD relationships. Here's the link:

My advice: Have patience with your partner, it goes a long way. And remember time flies faster than you think. The individual days have gotton very long and verrrrrrry lonely, but when I realize Erik has been gone for almost 17 months, it's FLOWN by! He'll be home in 12 weeks..... seems so short compared to the 68 weeks he's been gone. WE CAN'T WAIT :)

Well, those are my thoughts on long distance relationships....take it or leave it. Erik and I are just living proof that it's possible to stay together and possible to still be happy and in love. And good luck to any couple trying to do this! Trust me, you can.

I think I'm done with the sappiness now :) Goodnight....