Monday, January 23, 2006


Phew! How fun is this??!?!?!? The Hawks have finally arrived! NFC Champions, baby!

We crushed the Panthers 34-14.......... what a great game. Hasselbeck stepped up, Jeremy Stevens got it all started, Trufant was excellent and Shaun Alexander, as always, gave us a great running game.

The Steelers are in for a ride because the Hawks are comin' to win........... :-)


OUCH! Poor Delhomme.......

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Another Overseas Trip for my Dad

My dad is in South Africa! How cool is that?!?!

He's there with my uncle Stan, helping out with designing and building cabins/structures for an organization opening a camp down there. He's in Capetown, I believe and will be there for 3 weeks. I'm so excited that he's traveling and seeing the world. I miss him already but I know that God will keep them all safe, healthy and energized as they serve Him......

I'll post some pictures when he gets back - I have a feeling they'll be pretty cool. While they're there, some locals will take 'em on a safari to check out the landscape and wildlife (which is a life-long DREAM of mine)........ and my dad has a great camera, so I'm sure he'll get some fantastic images.

Anyways, say a little prayer for health and safetly in an unfamiliar place w/ unfamiliar people, laws and customs.

I guess that's it for now.......

Oh, GO SEAHAWKS! They're going all the way this year and we all know.......Carolina is going down on Sunday, big time. I'm predicting a low scoring game due to the excellent defenses on both sides and hopefully Hassellbeck won't have to scramble so much this weekend :-)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Sliver of Sun

After 24 straight days of rain, you can imagine my surprise and pure delight when I glanced up and saw sunshine making shadows on the blinds! I immediately stepped outside, faced the sun and smiled, thanking God for this little break.

Even though it lasted all of oh, maybe 60 seconds........ it was enough to remind me that spring is coming and the gray will soon be gone.

It was refreshing :-)

And I am so thankful for it.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2006, Here I come!

2006 is going to be a great year.

I can feel it. It's like how you can feel when a big storm is going to come - ya just feel it :-)

My goals this year are simple, but still not easy. Getting my credit cleaned up, having a savings account balance that I don't touch until 2007 and losing at least 25lbs are my goals. All possible - all require lots of dedication - but I know it's within my reach.

And the things that are planned for this year are SO fun, I can hardly wait :-) Erik and I are celebrating 4 years in February, April brings the start of rally racing season, we all get to travel down to Mexico for my bro's wedding on May 25th, May also brings the start of hydro racing season (meaning even more camping!), which will last the whole summer. I'm so stoked :-) There's something about going on road trips that brings me so much joy...... being away from all the pavement and stoplights and phone calls - it's truly my mini-escape from all the maddness. I think my favorite part is the trees. Even though I live in an area that has plenty of trees, being out in a national forest full of enormous trees is so cool to me. Makes me feel a good way.

Anyways!! I'm excited about the upcoming year..... I believe it will hold really awesome things for me, for my family, for UBuildIt and for my friends (some of whom are having babies!!! - Congratulations guys!).

Considering my 2005, I think I can take anything that comes my way, no matter what year it turns.